Sunday, September 11, 2011

Waves and the Sand

Waves and the sand
Some are cool and refreshing
Ironing out all of the wrinkles
Smoothing the shore
In perfect harmony, the waves caress

Waves and the sand
Some are frigid and biting
Violently beating up
Against the shore
With aggressive force, the waves crash

My waves could not break the sand.
They did not want to.
They could not hold it.
They did not want to.
My waves carried glass and shells
My waves carried gifts
My waves wanted to lift
My waves wanted to ride
Play and tumble
Falling waves caught by the sand
They did not want to make it crumble.

Waves and the sand
Some are quiet and placid
In silent admiration
By the shore
Lit by moonlight, the waves wait.

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